(set: $timeOut to 11)\
<div class="intro-container">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">
<p class="narrator-text">In 2018, Cambridge Analytica scandal revealed that at least since 2008, people in western democracies have been targeted with political advertisements based on the data derived from their online behaviour. Both Trump and Brexit campaigns used the services of the company.</p>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">During 2016 election in the US, the Russian Internet Research Agency has been targeting people living in the US with political advertisements aiming to polarise and destabilise the society.</p></div>]]\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Both Cambridge Analytica and Internet Research Agency used Facebook to target its users with advertisements that were most likely to engage them, by evoking emotions like anger and fear in order to manipulate the platform's users.</p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p3)[(transition: "dissolve")[[[Next->Prologue2]]]]
[[Skip prologue->AlexIntro]]
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 12s)[
(show: ?p2)
{(live: 14s)[
(show: ?p3)
]}<h1>Prologue, 2/4</h1>\
<div class="intro-container">\
<p class="narrator-text">While the exact results of those actions are hard to measure, the sole existance of mechanisms allowing for spreading personalized propaganda stands against the core principles of democracy.</p>\
(set: $timeOut to 4)\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Social media platforms have enabled this practice in the first place with its opaque privacy permissions, and by giving access to users's data like Facebook likes to advertisers.</p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[[[I see->Prologue2]]]]
{(live: 5s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p2)
<div class="intro-container">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Use the same mechanisms by taking a role of a malicious political advertiser in a country of Prosperistan, and help the Conservative party to win the presidential election.</p></div>\
(set: $timeOut to 4)\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Would you like a recap of recent events in Prosperistan to get up to speed?</p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[
[[Yes please->Recap1.1cycle]]
[[No thanks, I'm familiar->Prologue3]]
{(live: 5s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p2)
]}<p>The world has seen a rise in right-wing populism that has resulted not only in 2016 election of Donald Trump and Great Britain leaving the EU, but has also been witnessed in countries like Brazil and Poland. In several cases like in the US, large scale advertising operations have been the core of the online campaigns, therefore it serves as a good example of its use.</p>\
[[Okay->AlexIntro]]<p>No. But if you have lived in the UK or US over the recent years, you might have been taken advantage of by Tech companies and political organizations that use targeted ads, therefore it's even more valuable for you to find out how they operate. The satirical humour you might witness in the game is directed towards the populist foreign policy and companies advocating for the use of the advertising mechanisms.</p>\
[[Okay->AlexIntro]](set: $timeOut to 5)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Alex McCon</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Hi, I'm Alexander, welcome to Speculo. Where we help the people that pay us well to win elections in countries we don't care about.</p></div>\
[[Sounds great->Task1title]]
[[Do you offer paid breaks?->Task1title]]
(set: $oldSupportScore to 0)\
(set: $reactionCTA to "Nice")\
(set: $reactionList to (a:
"You go girl",
"So selfish",
"Not cool",
"No idea what they mean",
"Suppose not",
"He's got a point",
"Dura lex, sed lex"
))<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Your first task is to Mobilize Voters of the party. You will do so by attacking their with identity threats. Pick an ad with highest possibility of triggering the target's emotions using the data we have on the voters.</p>\
[[How do you know who is voting for whom?]]
(set: $oldSupportScore to $maxSupport)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Explanation</p>\
[[Let's begin ->Profile1]] <div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to 2)\
(set: $changeScore2 to 2)\
(set: $destination to 0)\
(set: $destination1 to "2.1")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av2.svg" alt="Avatar 2">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Ameera Carroll</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Female</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>38</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Suburbs</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">Households whose behavior indicates they are working-class moms</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have an estimated household income of $15,000 - $29,999</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Individuals who have completed high school</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are likely to not have major medical insurance</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households with people who own a dog</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of cheese</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Would you rather spend $350M a year on benefits for immigrants, or for OUR citizens?<br><c>Vote to make a change</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 1)(set: $immigrantAd to it + 1)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "prof1.1good")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Let's clean up the air in our capital before it's too late!<br><c>Your vote matters</c></span>")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "prof1.1bad")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>We must protect Prosperistan's industry from globalization!<br><c>Vote to take action</c></span>")[(set: $nationalistAd to it + 1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore2)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "prof1.1good")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Good choice! Remember, it's not about making rational points, it's about making people angry.</p>\
(link: "Next profile")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile2")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to 2)\
(set: $changeScore2 to 1)\
(set: $destination to 0)\
(set: $destination1 to "2.1")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av2.svg" alt="Avatar 2">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Ameera Carroll</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Female</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>38</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>State native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Suburbs</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">Households whose behavior indicates they are working-class moms</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have an estimated household income of $15,000 - $29,999</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Individuals who have completed high school</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are likely to not have major medical insurance</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households with people who own a dog</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of cheese</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Would you rather spend $350M a year on benefits for immigrants, or for OUR citizens?<br><c>Vote to make a change</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 1)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
[[<span>Let's clean up the air in our capital before it's too late<br><c>Vote to support us</c></span> ->answer2.2legacy]]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>We must protect Prosperistan's industry from globalization!<br><c>Vote to make a change</c></span>")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore2)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "answer2.3")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Alex McCon</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
(if:visits is 1)[\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Someone shared our ad for the first time! Here's what they say:</p></div>\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Our ad got shared:</p></div>\
<div style="margin: 0 0 16px 0">\
(display: "SM" + (text: $destination))\
(set: $reactionNumber to (text: $reaction) + "th")\
(if: $reaction is 5)[\
(link: $reactionList's 5th)[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer" + (text: $destination))]
(link: $reactionList's 6th)[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer" + (text: $destination))]
(else-if: $reaction is 16)[\
(link: $reactionList's 16th)[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer" + (text: $destination))]
(link: $reactionList's 17th)[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer" + (text: $destination))]
(link: $reactionList's (text: $reactionNumber))[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer" + (text: $destination))]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Good, you're learning fast. It was clear from the person's profile that they are struggling financially. Would be a shame if their precious government benefits all went to foreigners, no?</p>\
[[Next profile->Profile2]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Air pollution, possibly important, doesn't make for a good headline though unless someone is asthmatic. Try to look deeper into what vulnerabilities people might have, you've got their data at your disposal.</p>\
(link: "Next profile")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile3")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Nice, workers might be scared about their workplaces getting closed up, so why not scare them a little with good old globalization? Might not always work though!</p>\
(link: "Next profile")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile3")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to 3)\
(set: $changeScore2 to -2)\
(set: $destination1 to "2.1")\
(set: $destination2 to "2.2")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av4.svg" alt="Avatar 4">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Alby Zavala</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>73</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Suburbs</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">Retirees with conservative views and finances</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have a home value of $300,000 - $499,000</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are political: conservative charity donors</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households with people where one of them is a veteran</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People whose past purchases indicate they are Patriotic Citizens</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are current owners of Small/Mid-size SUV vehicles</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>NEVER-ENDING LOCKDOWNS are destroying the country's economy<br><c>Vote to stop this</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 4)(set: $destination to $destination2)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore2)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
[[<span>We have a plan to fix housing crisis.<br><c>We need your vote</c></span>->answer2.3]]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>THE BATTLE FOR PROSPERISTAN HAS BEGUN. Help bring the country back to past glory!<br><c>Vote to take action</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 3)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SM posts/SVG/SM3.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "Nice")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer3.1")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Nothing beats some post-imperial sentiment</p>\
[[You know it->Profile3]](set: $timeOut to 5)\
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Okay when I said we want to make users angry, I didn't mean angry at our clients! We want to amplify their existing anxieties.</p></div>\
[[Okay boss->Profile3]]
{(live: 5s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 7s)[
(show: ?p2)
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Housing crisis is bad... Unless you have bought a house a 100 years ago for a tenner and are now sitting on a pile of cash. Like your last target.</p>\
(link: "Gentrification for you")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile3")]
<script>$(function () {
function (data, textStatus, jqxhr) {
console.log('jquery ui file loaded');
(print: "<script>GE.updateHeathBar(" + (text: $maxSupport) + "," + (text: $oldSupportScore) + "," + (text: $supportScore) + ");")
(print: "<script>GE.setTimeOut(" + (text: $timeOut) + ");")<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to 3)\
(set: $changeScore2 to -2)\
(set: $destination1 to "4.1")\
(set: $destination2 to "4.2")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av4.svg" alt="Avatar 4">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Alby Zavala</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>73</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Suburbs</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">Retirees with conservative views and finances</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have a home value of $300,000 - $499,000</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are political: conservative charity donors</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households with people where one of them is a veteran</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People whose past purchases indicate they are Patriotic Citizens</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are current owners of Small/Mid-size SUV vehicles</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>NEVER-ENDING LOCKDOWNS are destroying the country's economy<br><c>Vote to stop this</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 4)(set: $destination to $destination2)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore2)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
[[<span>We have a plan to fix housing crisis.<br><c>We need your vote</c></span>->answer4.3legacy]]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>THE BATTLE FOR PROSPERISTAN HAS BEGUN. Help bring the country back to past glory!<br><c>Vote to take action</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 3)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SM posts/SVG/SM4.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "You go girl")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer4.1")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM posts/SVG/SM4.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "So selfish")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer4.2")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Nothing beats some post-empire sentiment. And that call to action? Perfection.</p>\
[[You know it->Profile5legacy]](set: $timeOut to 5)\
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Okay when I said we want to make users angry, I didn't mean angry at our clients! We want to amplify their anxieties that can be cured with our cliet's political programme.</p></div>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Take your last target. He is a veteran and remains a patriot, so you could have threatened him with all the bad things that can happen to our country if our clients don't win the elections...</p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[\
[[Okay boss->Profile5legacy]]
{(live: 5s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 7s)[
(show: ?p2)
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Housing crisis is bad... Unless you have bought a house a 100 years ago for a tenner and are now sitting on a pile of cash. Like your last target.</p>\
(link: "Gentrification for you")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile5")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to 3)\
(set: $destination1 to "5.2")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av5.svg" alt="Avatar 5">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Meredith Mckenzie</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Female</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>48</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>State native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Suburbs</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">Well-off couples in upscale city suburbs</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have an estimated income of $100,000 - $149,999</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have excellent credit worthiness</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are religious: Christianity</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households likely to donate to a religious organization</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of allergy relief products</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
[[<span>LIBERAL BORGEOISE doesn't care about the working class!<br><c>Vote to make a change</c></span>->answer5.1legacy]]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>LGBT ideology DESTROYING TRADITIONAL FAMILY<br><c>Vote to stop this</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 5)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
[[<span>Feeling like you CAN'T SPEAK YOUR MIND? Political corectness is a tool of opression!<br><c>Vote to stop this</c></span>->answer5.3legacy]]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM posts/SVG/SM5.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "Cool")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Task 1.2")]
(link: "Not cool")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Task 1.2")](goto: "Task1.1summary")\
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to 4)\
(set: $changeScore2 to 3)\
(set: $destination1 to "4.2")\
(set: $destination2 to "4.3")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av6.svg" alt="Avatar 6">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Marcelina Slater</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Female</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>46</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 id= "pers-category" class="ad-category">People who are prone to feeling threatened</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are owners of a small business</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households whose behavior indicates they are moms of grade school kids</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are in the market for security alarm equipment</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People interested in: Conservative press</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of natural & organic products</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>RECORD HIGH CRIME RATE among immigrants. It's time to close the borders.<br><c>Vote to take action</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 8)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore2)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Left wing mob DESTROYING THE CITY'S SHOPFRONTS!<br><c>Vote to stop this</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 7)(set: $destination to $destination2)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
[[<span>We will help troubled kids get back on their feet!<br><c>Vote to make a change</c></span>->answer4.1]]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Scaring rich people with working-class troubles doesn't work anymore, it's not post-war Britain...</p>\
(link: "If you can't feed the poor, eat the rich")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer5.2")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">The message was good, but not for this target. Could work on someone else...</p>\
(link: "Will keep an eye out")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer5.2")](set: $timeOut to 21)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Alex McCon</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Someone likes asking questions...</p></div>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">We paid people to use a personality test app connected to FriendDigest.</p></div>]]\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Little did they know that by agreeing to the privacy policy, they let us scrape not only theirs, but also their friends' data!</p></div>]]\
|p3)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Then we matched the personality test results to the users' behaviour on FriendDigest, like the pages they liked, so we can predict personality based on their behaviour on the social network.</p></div>]]\
|p4)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Last but not least, we used this algorithm on the friends' data, and that's how we ended up with millions of personality profiles!</p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p5)[(transition: "dissolve")[\
[[Okay, back to work!->Profile4]]
[[Still don't get it...->PersonalityExplanation]]
{(live: 3s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 7s)[
(show: ?p2)
{(live: 13s)[
(show: ?p3)
{(live: 20s)[
(show: ?p4)
{(live: 22s)[
(show: ?p5)
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Alex McCon</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">I know right!</p>\
[[Next profile->Profile4]]<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Alex McCon</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">That's what I like to hear.</p>\
[[Next profile->Profile4]]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">As I said before. You're trying to make targets angry, not help them. I mean, help them by making them angry and voting for us. Keep that in mind yeah?</p>\
(link: "Next profile")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile7")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM6.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "Devastating")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer6.2")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SM posts/SVG/SM6.3.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "Perhaps")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer6.2")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">I'm so proud, great work manipulating her.</p>\
[[Next profile->Profile7legacy]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Not as threatening as having your business destroyed, but still sort of works.</p>\
[[Next profile->Profile7legacy]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to -5)\
(set: $changeScore2 to +2)\
(set: $destination1 to "7.1")\
(set: $destination2 to "7.2")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av7.svg" alt="Avatar 7">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Duante Driscoll</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>35</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>2nd generation immigrant, black</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 id= "pers-category" class="ad-category">Likely to exhibit emotional instability</h4>
<h4 id= "pers-category" class="ad-category">Likely to be LGBT+</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Middle aged couples in big city neighborhoods</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are employed in professional/technical positions</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are owners or employees of a company with 5,000+ employees</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households whose behavior indicates they are Patriotic Citizens</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of eye care products</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Immigrants spreading THEIR CULTURE throughout OUR COUNTRY<br><c>Vote to take stop this</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 9)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>MAN AND WOMAN IS HOW FAMILIES SHOULD LOOK LIKE! SAY NO TO LGBT IDEOLOGY!<br><c>Vote to say no</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 10)(set: $destination to $destination2)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Current immigration system is racially biased, we know how to fix it.<br><c>Vote to make a change</c></span>")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore2)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "answer7.3")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM posts/SVG/SM7.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "Ooops")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer7.1")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SM posts/SVG/SM7.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "Ooops")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer7.2")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">That's right. Our clients want to make it equally hard FOR EVERYONE to come here. True equality.</p>\
(link: "How thoughtful")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile8")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Remember, when choosing a radical ad make sure the target is likely to be instable AND that the ad amplifies their anxieties, not attacks them personally...</p>\
[[Next profile->Profile8legacy]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Remember, when choosing a radical ad make sure the target is likely to be unstable AND that the ad amplifies their anxieties, not attacks them personally...</p>\
[[Next profile->Profile8legacy]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to -5)\
(set: $changeScore2 to +1)\
(set: $destination1 to "8.1")\
(set: $destination2 to "8.2")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av8.svg" alt="Avatar 8">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Oliwia Hodson</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Female</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>41</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">Households whose behavior indicates they are big city moms</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households likely to participate in evironmental groups or causes</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Business employees with an executive title</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have completed higher education</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households with people who are expecting a baby</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People interested in: Finance</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>NEVER ENDING LOCKDOWN DESTROYING THE ECONOMY<br><c>Vote to stop this</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 12)(set: $destination to $destination2)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>We will lower the taxes and create investment opportunities.<br><c>Vote to support us</c></span>")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore2)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "answer8.3")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>THE LEFT IS WASTING YOUR HARD EARNED TAX MONEY ON FILLING THE COUNTRY WITH REFUGEES</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 11)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SM posts/SVG/SM8.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "No idea what you mean")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer8.1")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SM posts/SVG/SM8.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "Suppose not")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer8.2")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">You took a risk...</p>\
[[Next profile ->Profile9legacy]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">You took a risk...</p>\
[[Next profile ->Profile9legacy]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Good, better not risk with that one</p>\
(link: "Next profile")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile9")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to +6)\
(set: $changeScore2 to +1)\
(set: $destination1 to "9.2")\
(set: $destination2 to "9.3")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av9.svg" alt="Avatar 9">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Patrick Ponce</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>46</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Small town</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 id= "pers-category" class="ad-category">Likely to exhibit emotional instability</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households whose behavior indicates they are working-class families</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have an estimated household income of $15,000 - $29,999</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are employed in blue-collar job</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have low credit worthiness</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who choose leading Hispanic food brands</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>We will build schools for our children!<br><c>Vote to support us</c></span>")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore2)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "answer9.1")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>STATE-FUNDED REFUGEE CRIMINALS are roaming the streets while OUR CITIZENS LIVING PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK<br><c>Vote to stop this</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 13)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>ELITES BENEFITING FROM LOCKDOWN WHILE REGULAR CITIZENS STRUGGLING<br><c>Vote to take action</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 14)(set: $destination to $destination2)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Decent choice, but not too much engagement. Remember, the key is to evoke negative emotions in the targets.</p>\
(link: "Next profile")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile10")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SM posts/SVG/SM9.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "Wow")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer9.2")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SM posts/SVG/SM9/3.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "Wow")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer9.3")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Great work, this is our best one yet.</p>\
[[Next profile ->Profile10legacy]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Great work, this is our best one yet.</p>\
[[Next profile ->Profile10legacy]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to +7)\
(set: $changeScore2 to +1)\
(set: $destination1 to "9.4")\
(set: $destination2 to "9.5")\
(set: $destination3 to "9.6")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av10.svg" alt="Avatar 10">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Dennis Knight</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>23</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 id= "pers-category" class="ad-category">Likely to exhibit emotional instability</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are students</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People interested in: Alternative media</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People interested in: Paranormal</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who own a cat</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of frozen food</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>NO TO VACCINE PASSPORTS, YES TO PERSONAL FREEDOM<br><c>Vote to be heard</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 16)(set: $destination to $destination2)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>PEOPLE ARE BEING FIRED FOR SPEAKING THEIR MIND, STOP POLITICAL CORECTNESS<br><c>Vote to stop this</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 18)(set: $destination to $destination3)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>We wil create cat cafes' for all the cat lovers<br><c>Vote to support us</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 15)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore2)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM posts/SVG/SM10.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "Aww")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer10.1")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM posts/SVG/SM10.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "Powerful stuff")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer10.2")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="social-post-container">\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM posts/SVG/SM10.3.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(link: "Powerful stuff")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "answer10.3")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">I mean, not as good as the rest but whatever works?</p>\
[[Cats though ->Task1.2summary]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Yes yes yes, our polls are through the roof!</p>\
[[Sweet ->Task1.2summary]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">yes yes yes, our polls are through the roof!</p>\
[[Sweet ->Task1.2summary]]<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Okay, we are done with this task. Before we continue, would you like to check the news?</p>\
[[No time to waste->Task2]]
<h1 id="title">Nothing<br>to hide</h1>\
<h2 id="subtitle">Your help is needed! Win a presidential election using weaponized digital ads.</h2>\
(set: $maxSupport to 100)
(set: $supportScore to $maxSupport * 0.30)<h2>MISSION 2/2</h2>\
<h1 id="task-title">Divide opposition</h1>\
(link: "<span>Begin</span>")[(goto: "Onboarding2.1")]\
(set: $SMdiscussionList to (a: ))
(set: $defamScore to 0)
(set: $defamScoreGlobal to 0)
(set: $profCount to 1)
(set: $failCount to 0)
(set: $winCount to 0)
(set: $oldWinCount to 0)
(set: $task2score to 0)
(set: $oldTask2score to 0)
(set: $reactiondisplay to "")
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av2.8.svg" alt="Avatar 9">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Angelo Rosas</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>22</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>2nd generation immigrant, black</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">Individuals that live with 2-4 other people</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are students</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Frequent travelers</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Video game players</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of Pringles brand products</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of diet carbonated beverages</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Cope insisting on using encrypted email. Does she have something to hide?</span>")[(set: $reactiondisplay to "Guess the target wasn't really interested in that...")(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "BadFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Cope ignoring students' concerns about raising uni fees.</span>")[(set: $task2score to it + 1)(set: $SMdiscussionList to it + (a: "assets/SMdebate/SMdebate1.svg"))(set: $reactiondisplay to "Student fees are the worst, am I right??")(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Liberal party leader caught drinking alcoholic beverages in public transport. Can we take her seriously?</span>")[(set: $reactiondisplay to "I think he actually enjoyed that… Students are the worst.")(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "BadFeedback")\
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SVG/av2.2.svg" alt="Avatar 9">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Eshan Joseph</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>28</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, black</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have an estimated household income of $50,000 - $99,999</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are likely in-market buyers of Full-size Sedan vehicles in the next 6-12 months</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households that are consumer electronics buyers</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who own other investments</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People interested in: Progressive press</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Cope claimed to be "scared of black youth". Is the liberal candidate still racist?</span>")[(set: $profCount to it + 1)
(if: $oldWinCount < $winCount)[\
(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)\
(set: $oldWinCount to $winCount)\
(set: $defamScoreGlobal to it + 1)(set: $defamScore to it + 1)\
(if: $defamScore is 2)[\
(goto: "Task2win")\
(goto: "Profile2.3")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Liberal hipocrisy? Campaign donors including big-oil industry companies.</span>")[(set: $profCount to it + 1)
(if: $oldWinCount < $winCount)[\
(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)\
(set: $oldWinCount to $winCount)\
(goto: "Task2fail")]\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Cope DISLIKES CATS! Watch full video.</span>")[(set: $profCount to it + 1)
(if: $oldWinCount < $winCount)[\
(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)\
(set: $oldWinCount to $winCount)\
(goto: "Task2fail")]\
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av2.3.svg" alt="Avatar 9">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Zoha Rogers</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Female</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>28</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>1st generation immigrant, White</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 id="pers-category" class="ad-category">People likely to be LGBT+</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People employed in the creative industry</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Donors to animal welfare charities</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who shop at natural & organic grocery stores</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People interested in social activism</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Mrs Cope takes a conservative stance on gender identity. Is she REALLY liberal?</span>")[(set: $task2score to it + 1)(set: $SMdiscussionList to it + (a: "assets/SMdebate/SMdebate2.svg"))(set: $reactiondisplay to "This will definitely inflame them.")(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Cope's erratic behaviour explained. Is she a reptile??</span>")[(set: $reactiondisplay to "Woah, got carried away with this one. Make sure to only target unstable users with this content.")(set: $profCount to it + 1)(set: $badArt to 1)(goto: "BadFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Cope caught wearing animal fur! Watch full video.</span>")[(set: $task2score to it + 1)(set: $SMdiscussionList to it + (a: "assets/SMdebate/SMdebate3.svg"))(set: $reactiondisplay to "This will definitely inflame them.")(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedback")\
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av2.4.svg" alt="Avatar 9">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Abigail Bowes</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Female</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>37</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have a home value of $300,000 - $499,000</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are females who are the head of their household</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are religious: Judaism</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who rely on leading Kosher brands</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are interested in smoking cessation</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Cope refuses to stand up to Big Pharma while Medicine prices soaring!</span>")[(set: $badReactionId to 4)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "BadFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Anti-semitist remarks among liberal party politicians. Can't Cope with that.</span>")[(set: $goodReactionId to 4)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Cope admits that she hates cats! Is this the leader we want?</span>")[(set: $badReactionId to 5)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "BadFeedback")\
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av2.5.svg" alt="Avatar 9">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Jemila Kimathi</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Female</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>37</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, black</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 id="pers-category" class="ad-category">People likely to exhibit emotional instability</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People with an estimated income of $30,000 - $49,999.</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People employed in an environmental charity</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People interested in racial justice activism</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of non-diary milk</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Liberal leaders fly to an environmental conference in a private jet. Seriously?</span>")[(set: $task2score to it + 1)(set: $SMdiscussionList to it + (a: "assets/SMdebate/SMdebate4.svg"))(set: $reactiondisplay to "Bet they are regretting that now...")(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Mrs Cope admits that she hates cats! Is this the leader we want?</span>")[(set: $reactiondisplay to "That would have totally triggered me, but our target remains untouched.")(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "BadFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>STEPHANIE COPE IS AN EMBODIMENT OF WHITE SUPREMACY. Read full article.</span>")[(set: $task2score to it + 2)(set: $SMdiscussionList to it + (a: "assets/SMdebate/SMdebate5.svg"))(set: $reactiondisplay to "Good choice, threatening racial identity is a powerful tactic.")(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedback")\
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av2.6.svg" alt="Avatar 9">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Elliott Gillespie</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>35</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">Financially struggling couples in downscale, big city neighbourhoods</h4>\
<h4 class="ad-category">People who live with three other people</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People employed in hospitality</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Cope owning houses in gentrified neighbourhoods. Is she in a position to tackle housing crisis?</span>")[(set: $goodReactionId to 7)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Cope spending $800 a week on fine dining. That's double the wage of a regular citizen.</span>")[(set: $goodReactionId to 8)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Shocking! Stephanie Cope likes pizza with pineapple??</span>")[(set: $badReactionId to 7)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "BadFeedback")]\
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SVG/av2.8.svg" alt="Avatar 9">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Antoine Noel</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>34</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>2nd generation immigrant, black</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are blue-collar workers</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who shop for bargains</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Mrs. Cope's controversial views on abortion. Is she REALLY liberal?</span>")[(set: $profCount to it + 1)
(if: $oldWinCount < $winCount)[\
(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)\
(set: $oldWinCount to $winCount)\
(goto: "Task2summary")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Liberal party leaders flying to an environmental conference in a private jet. Seriously?</span>")[(set: $profCount to it + 1)
(if: $oldWinCount < $winCount)[\
(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)\
(set: $oldWinCount to $winCount)\
(goto: "Task2summary")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Nope vs Roger Villain - why do we have to choose between two white, priviledged dinosaurs?</span>")[(set: $profCount to it + 1)
(if: $oldWinCount < $winCount)[\
(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)\
(set: $oldWinCount to $winCount)\
(set: $defamScoreGlobal to it + 1)(set: $defamScore to it + 1)(goto: "Task2summary")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av2.7.svg" alt="Avatar 9">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Elliott Gillespie</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>29</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 id="pers-category" class="ad-category">People likely to engage in conspirational thinking</h4>\
<h4 class="ad-category">People who live in an upscale city neighbourhood</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who live with their parents</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People interested in extraterrestrial life</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Viewers of alternative press outlets</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of frozen food</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>The truth about Stephanie Cope - Are the rumors about secret peadophile ring real? MUST WATCH</span>")[(set: $task2score to it + 2)(set: $SMdiscussionList to it + (a: "assets/SMdebate/SMdebate6.svg"))(set: $reactiondisplay to "Woah, he totally fell for it…")(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>IS COPE A MEMBER OF DEEPSTATE? Anonymous source leaks secret documents</span>")[(set: $task2score to it + 2)(set: $SMdiscussionList to it + (a: "assets/SMdebate/SMdebate7.svg"))(set: $reactiondisplay to "Woah, he totally fell for it…")(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Cope spending thousands on fine dining, while REGULAR CITIZENS STRUGGLING</span>")[(set: $reactiondisplay to "I don't think the target cared too much...")(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "BadFeedback")]\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Aaaad our work here is done. Time for the last news update!</p>\
[[If you insist->Recap1.4cycle]]
(set: $SMdiscussionId to $SMdiscussionList's length)
(set: $SMdiscussion to
'<img class="social-post" src="' +
(text: $SMdiscussionList's ($SMdiscussionId)) +
(set: $oldTask2score to $task2score)
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">\
(if:visits is 3)[\
Social media are boiling! Good job.
(if:visits is 2)[\
Social media are heating up!.
(if:visits is 1)[\
We caused some drama on social media already!.
<div class="narrator-text-container">\
(set: $profileTarget to (text: $profCount))
(link: "<span>Nice</span>")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)\
(if: $profCount < 5)[\
(goto:"Profile2." + $profileTarget)\
(if: $task2score >= 5)[
(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $supportScore to it + 6)(goto: "Task2update")\
(goto: "Task2summary")\
(link: "Next profile")[(goto: "Profile2.2")]\
(link: "Next profile")[(goto: "Profile2.3")]\
(link: "Next profile")[(goto: "Profile2.4")]\
(link: "Next profile")[(goto: "Profile2.5")]\
Double-click this passage to edit it.Fail5
(link: "Next profile")[(goto: "Profile2.6")]\
Double-click this passage to edit it.Fail6
(link: "Next profile")[(goto: "Profile2.7")]\
Double-click this passage to edit it.Fail7
(link: "Next profile")[(goto: "Profile2.8")]\
Double-click this passage to edit it.(if:visits is 1)[
<p>You should look more1</p>\
(if:visits is 2)[
<p>You should look more2</p>\
(if:visits is 3)[
<p>You should look more3</p>\
(if:visits is 4)[
<p>You should look more4</p>\
(if:visits is 5)[
<p>You should look more5</p>\
(if:visits is 6)[
<p>You should look more6</p>\
(if:visits is 7)[
<p>You should look more7</p>\
(set: $profileTarget to (text: $profCount))
(link: "<span>Back</span>")[(goto:"Profile2." + $profileTarget)](if: $supportScore > 60)[
(goto: "Ending1")
(else-if: $supportScore > 50)[
(goto: "Ending2")
(else-if: $supportScore >= 30)[
(goto: "Ending3")
(goto: "Ending4")
(set: $supportDifference to $supportScore - 30)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">\
<p class="narrator-text">Congrats, thanks to you the support for Conservatives increased to $supportScore%, by an astonishing $supportDifference%!. You are a master manipulator. Maybe we should start paying you.<p>\
[[Sad react->Epilogue2]]
(set: $supportDifference to $supportScore - 30)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">\
<p class="narrator-text">Congrats, thanks to you the support for Conservatives increased to $supportScore%, by an impressive $supportDifference%!. Congrats, you've done well as a manipulator. Maybe we should start paying you.<p>\
[[Sad react->Epilogue2]]
(set: $supportDifference to $supportScore - 30)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">\
<p class="narrator-text">Big disappointment. We ended up with $supportScore% support, not enough to win an election. Maybe I'm going to give you a second chance should they hire us again... Highly doubt it though.<p>\
[[I'm sorry->Epilogue2]]
[[No regrets->Epilogue2]]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Remember, it's not about making rational points, it's about making people angry.</p>\
(link: "Next profile")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile2")]News 1/5
The capital filled with foreign immigrants fleeing to Prosperistan in hope of better future. Can we accomodate them all?
[[Skip recap->Prologue3]]<div class="intro-container">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Time for you to meet Alexander McCon, CEO of Speculo, company which specialises in leading digital political campaigns. He will be your boss.
News 2/5
Critics describing a "culture war" in Prosperistan. Where does the fight for social justice end, and invasion of freedom of speech begin?
[[Skip recap->Prologue3]]News 3/5
Riots in the capital after police kills yet another black citizen. Do we have a problem with institutional racism?
[[Skip recap->Prologue3]]News 4/5
Riots in the capital after another killing of a black citizen. Do we have a problem with institutional racism?
[[Skip recap->Prologue3]]News 5/5
Riots in the capital after another killing of a black citizen. Do we have a problem with institutional racism?
[[Ready to go->Prologue3]](set: $timeOut to 19)\
(set: $oldSupportScore to 0)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Alex McCon</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">You will be presented with profiles of Prosperistan's citizens.</p><div>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<img class="onboarding-img" src="assets/onboarding/onb1.svg" alt="Target profile info">]]\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">First of all, you can see general info about them.</p></div>]]\
|p3)[(transition: "dissolve")[<img class="onboarding-img" src="assets/onboarding/onb2.svg" alt="Target classification for ads">]]\
|p4)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">There is also information about their voting history. <span id="pinktext">Pink</span> stamp means a vote for <span id="pinktext">Conservatives</span>. <span id="yellowtext">Yellow</span> stamp means a vote for <span id="yellowtext">Liberals</span>, <span id="greytext">Grey</span> stamp means they <span id="greytext">didn't vote</span> at all.</p></div>]]\
|p5)[(transition: "dissolve")[<img class="onboarding-img" src="assets/onboarding/onb3.svg" alt="Target classification for ads">]]\
|p6)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Finally, you can see information about their activity on FriendDigest, leading social media platform in Prosperistan.</p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p7)[(transition: "dissolve")[\
[[Got it->Onboarding2]]
{(live: 5s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p2)
{(live: 11s)[
(show: ?p3)
{(live: 12s)[
(show: ?p4)
{(live: 17s)[
(show: ?p5)
{(live: 18s)[
(show: ?p6)
{(live: 21s)[
(show: ?p7)
]}(set: $timeOut to 12)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Alex McCon</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">You will have to choose what message should be displayed on their FriendDigest feeds in form of political campaign ads.</p></div>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Your job is to identify what could threaten their identity based on the data, and pick an ad that will engage them. Sometimes there's more than one good option.</p></div>]]\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Every time you choose an ad, it appears on thousands of profiles classified as similar on FriendDigest. You can have real impact here.</p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p3)[(transition: "dissolve")[\
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 12s)[
(show: ?p2)
{(live: 14s)[
(show: ?p3)
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $timeOut to 5)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Alex McCon</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Take notice of the "Support in polls" bar at the top, it's updated in real time to reflect the voter support for our client. The election is won above 50%, bring it as high as you can.</p></div>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">And remember - Don't mess it up.</p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[\
(link: "<span>Yes boss</c></span>")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile1")]
{(live: 5s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 7s)[
(show: ?p2)
(set: $immigrantAd to 0)\
(set: $lockdownBadAd to 0)\
(set: $nationalistAd to 0)\
(set: $lgbtAd to 0)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM2.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $immigrantAd to it + 1)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM3.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $nationalistAd to it + 1)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM4.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $nationalistAd to it + 1)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM4.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $lockdownBadAd to it + 1)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM5.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $lgbtAd to it + 1)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM6.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $immigrantAd to it + 1)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM6.3.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $warOnWokeAd to it + 1)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM7.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM7.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM7.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $badAd to it + 1)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM7.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $badAd to it + 1)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM9.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $immigrantAd to it + 1)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM9.3.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $eliteAd to it + 1)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM10.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $catAd to it + 1)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM10.2.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $vaccineAd to it + 1)\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/SM-posts/SVG/SM10.3.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\
(set: $warOnWokeAd to it + 1)\
We are done with the first task, I've gotta say I'm surprised how well we have done! Have you seen the news?
News recapNationalist groups assembling on the city square
<img class="social-post" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SM posts/SVG/SM2.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\Refugee camps targeted as rumours about immigrant crisis are spreading
<img class="social-post" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SM posts/SVG/SM3.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\Religious groups pushing to ban same-sex marriage
<img class="social-post" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SM posts/SVG/SM4.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">Conservative's controversial views about lockdown spark opposition among most vulnerable citizens
<img class="social-post" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SM posts/SVG/SM2.1.svg" alt="Social media reaction">\(if: $supportScore is >= 40)[
Conservatives gaining a lot of support
(else-if: $supportScore is >= 34)[
Conservatives gaining support
(else-if: $supportScore is > 30)[
Conservatives gaining support, but liberals still deemed to win
Liberals still deemed to win
(if: $nationalistAd is >= 2)[
(display: "Recap1.2.1")\
(if: $immigrantAd is >= 2)[
(display: "Recap1.2.2")\
(if: $lgbtAd is >= 1)[
(display: "Recap1.2.3")\
(if: $lockdownBadAd is >= 1)[
(display: "Recap1.2.4")\
[[Back to work->Profile4]]<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Before we continue, would you like to check the news if we have had any impact so far?
[[Why not->Recap1.2cycle]]
[[I'd rather go straight to work->Task1.2]]{
(set: $immigrantAdSeen to false)
(set: $images to (array: ))
(if: $supportScore is >= 34)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.2.0.2.svg"))
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.2.0.3.svg"))
(if: $nationalistAd is >= 1)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.2.1.svg"))
(if: $immigrantAd is >= 1)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.2.2.svg"))
(set: $immigrantAdSeen to true)
(if: $lgbtAd is >= 1)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.2.3.svg"))
(if: $lockdownBadAd is >= 1)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.2.4.svg"))
(set: $imageIndex to 1)
|workarea>[(display: "DisplayRecap1.2")]
/* Only track the current scroll position if LocalStorage is enabled. */
if (window.localStorage) {
var ls = window.localStorage;
Execute the following after the current Passage has been displayed and after
Harlowe has reset the document scrollTop position to 0.
window.setTimeout(function () {
var saved = Number(ls['zcwScrollPosition']);
var current = $(document).scrollTop();
Monitor the 'Scroll' event and update the saved value whenever the User
scrolls the current page.
$(document).on('scroll.track-scroll-position', function () {
ls['zcwScrollPosition'] = $(document).scrollTop();
Attach handler to remove the 'Scroll' event monitoring whenever the User
does something that causes a Passage Transition to occur.
$('tw-link, tw-icon.undo, tw-icon.redo')
.one('click.track-scroll-position', function () {
/* Scroll page to saved position if required. */
if (saved != current) {
}, 50);
(set: $newsLength to $images's length)
<h1>News $imageIndex/$newsLength</h1>
(set: $image to
'<img class="news-img" src="' +
(text: $images's ($imageIndex)) +
'" alt="news story">')
(if: $images's length > 1)[\
(if: $imageIndex < $images's length)[
(link: "Next")[\
(set: $imageIndex to it + 1)\
(replace: ?workarea)[\
(display: "DisplayRecap1.2")\
(link: "Let's get back to work")[(goto: "Task1.2")]\
(link: "Let's get back to work")[(goto: "Task1.2")]\
(set: $timeOut to 11)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Some people are not that easy to read. That's where behavioural science comes in handy. With help of machine learning and opaque privacy policy of Facebook, we are now able to predict some personality traits of people.</p>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<p class="narrator-text">We will display on the profile if we find someone to be particularly emotionally unstable. This means they are more prone to manipulation, and therefore you can hit them with even stronger messages! If you don't see the label it's your call, but the message could turn against us...
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[<p class="narrator-text">[Our prediction abilities go even further. You'll see...
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p3)[(transition: "dissolve")[\
[[How exactly does this work? ->answerTask1.2.1]]
[[Sounds extremely shady. ->answerTask1.2.2]]
[[Let's do it. ->answerTask1.2.3]]
{(live: 5s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 12s)[
(show: ?p2)
{(live: 13.3s)[
(show: ?p3)
{(live: 14.6s)[
(show: ?p4)
{(live: 14.9s)[
(show: ?p5)
(set: $images to (array:
(set: $imageIndex to 1)
|workarea1>[(transition: "dissolve")[(display: "DisplayRecap1.1")]]
/* Only track the current scroll position if LocalStorage is enabled. */
if (window.localStorage) {
var ls = window.localStorage;
Execute the following after the current Passage has been displayed and after
Harlowe has reset the document scrollTop position to 0.
window.setTimeout(function () {
var saved = Number(ls['zcwScrollPosition']);
var current = $(document).scrollTop();
Monitor the 'Scroll' event and update the saved value whenever the User
scrolls the current page.
$(document).on('scroll.track-scroll-position', function () {
ls['zcwScrollPosition'] = $(document).scrollTop();
Attach handler to remove the 'Scroll' event monitoring whenever the User
does something that causes a Passage Transition to occur.
$('tw-link, tw-icon.undo, tw-icon.redo')
.one('click.track-scroll-position', function () {
/* Scroll page to saved position if required. */
if (saved != current) {
}, 50);
(set: $newsLength to $images's length)
(if: $imageIndex > $images's length)[
(set: $imageIndex to 1)
<h1>News $imageIndex/$newsLength</h1>
(set: $image to
'<img class="news-img" src="' +
(text: $images's ($imageIndex)) +
(if: $imageIndex < 5)[
(link: "Next")[\
(set: $imageIndex to it + 1)\
(replace: ?workarea1)[\
(display: "DisplayRecap1.1")\
(link: "We're done here")[(goto: "Prologue3")]\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Alex McCon</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">\
<p class="narrator-text">$reactiondisplay</p>\
(set: $profileTarget to (text: $profCount))\
(set: $scoreDiff to $task2score - $oldTask2score)\
(link: "Next")[\
(if: $scoreDiff is >= 2)[\
(set: $oldWinCount to $winCount)\
(set: $winCount to it + 1)\
(set: $supportScore to it + $winCount*2)\
(goto: "Task2win")\
(goto: "Profile2." + $profileTarget)\
tnis time we will be only showing the most heated debates on SM instead of every single share
1. black student
hates cats - What kind of monster hates cats?
increasing uni fees - Student fees are the worst, am I right??
encrypted emails - I guess the target wasn't really interested in that...
2. animal lover
animal fur - Great! Hit them right where it hurts
views on abortion - This will definitely inflame them
reptile - Woah, got carried away with this one. Make sure to only target unstable users with this content.
4. black, racial justice, environment, unstable
Good choice, threatening racial identity is a great tactic
Good choice, but you could've picked better...
3. jewish, well educated
anti semitism - this news is explosive
i suppose they weren't moved by this
5. underpriviledged, unstable
CHOOSE BETWEEN TWO RICH, PRIVILEDGED INDIVIDUALS - This will definitely make them angry
SPENDING ON FINE DINING, MORE THAN DOUBLE WAGE - This will definitely make them angry
eats pineapple on pizza - Absolutely disgusting.
6. nutto, unstable
Pedo ring
racist immigration system - i don't think it moved him too much<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Alex McCon</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">\
<p class="narrator-text">$reactiondisplay<p>\
(set: $profileTarget to (text: $profCount))\
(link: "<span>Next</span>")[\
(if: $profCount < 5)[\
(goto:"Profile2." + $profileTarget)\
(if: $task2score >= 5)[
(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $supportScore to it + 6)(goto: "Task2update")\
(goto: "Task2summary")\
Good work last
(link: "Next")[\
(set: $defamScoreGlobal to it + 1)(set: $defamScore to it + 1)\
(if: $defamScore is 2)[\
(set: $oldWinCount to $winCount)\
(set: $winCount to it + 1)\
(goto: "Task2summary")\
I guess it didn't work...
(link: "<span>Next</span>")[(goto:"Task2summary")]
(set: $timeOut to 11)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Alex McCon</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Some targets are not that easy to read. From now on we will help you out by displaying certain traits that we can predict about them, like personality and sexual orientation.</p>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<p class="narrator-text">For example, if you see that someone is prone to feeling threatened, it means that they are more prone to manipulation, so you can hit them with more radical ads.
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[<p id= "pers-category" class="narrator-text">[Those traits will be displayed with red background like this.
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p3)[(transition: "dissolve")[\
[[How exactly does this work? ->answerTask1.2.1]]
[[Sounds extremely shady. ->answerTask1.2.2]]
[[Let's do it. ->answerTask1.2.3]]
(set: $badAd to 0)\
(set: $eliteAd to 0)\
(set: $catAd to 0)\
(set: $vaccineAd to 0)\
(set: $warOnWokeAd to 0)\
{(live: 5s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 12s)[
(show: ?p2)
{(live: 13.3s)[
(show: ?p3)
{(live: 14.6s)[
(show: ?p4)
{(live: 14.9s)[
(show: ?p5)
(set: $imageIndex to 1)
(set: $images to (array: ))
(if: $supportScore is > 50)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.3.0.1.svg"))
(else-if: $supportScore is > 44)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.3.0.2.svg"))
(else-if: $supportScore is > 38)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.3.0.3.svg"))
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.3.0.4.svg"))
(if: $vaccineAd is >= 1)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.3.1.svg"))
(if: $immigrantAd is >= 3)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.3.2.svg"))
(else-if: $immigrantAd is >= 1)[
(if: $immigrantAdSeen is true)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.3.2.1.svg"))
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.3.2.2.svg"))
(if: $warOnWokeAd is >= 1)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.3.3.svg"))
(if: $eliteAd is >= 1)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.3.4.svg"))
(if: $badAd is >= 1)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.3.5.svg"))
(if: $catAd is >= 1)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.3.6.svg"))
|workarea3>[(display: "DisplayRecap1.3")]
/* Only track the current scroll position if LocalStorage is enabled. */
if (window.localStorage) {
var ls = window.localStorage;
Execute the following after the current Passage has been displayed and after
Harlowe has reset the document scrollTop position to 0.
window.setTimeout(function () {
var saved = Number(ls['zcwScrollPosition']);
var current = $(document).scrollTop();
Monitor the 'Scroll' event and update the saved value whenever the User
scrolls the current page.
$(document).on('scroll.track-scroll-position', function () {
ls['zcwScrollPosition'] = $(document).scrollTop();
Attach handler to remove the 'Scroll' event monitoring whenever the User
does something that causes a Passage Transition to occur.
$('tw-link, tw-icon.undo, tw-icon.redo')
.one('click.track-scroll-position', function () {
/* Scroll page to saved position if required. */
if (saved != current) {
}, 50);
(set: $newsLength to $images's length)
(if: $imageIndex > $images's length)[
(set: $imageIndex to 1)
<h1>News $imageIndex/$newsLength</h1>
(set: $image to
'<img class="news-img" src="' +
(text: $images's ($imageIndex)) +
(if: $images's length > 1)[\
(if: $imageIndex < $images's length)[
(link: "Next")[\
(set: $imageIndex to it + 1)\
(replace: ?workarea3)[\
(display: "DisplayRecap1.3")\
(link: "Let's get back to work")[(goto: "Task2")]\
(link: "Let's get back to work")[(goto: "Task2")]\
(set: $imageIndex to 1)
(set: $badAdTotal to $lockdownBadAd + $badAd)
(set: $natioAdTotal to $nationalistAd + $warOnWokeAd)
(set: $images to (array: ))
(if: $supportScore is > 60)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.4.0.1.svg"))
(else-if: $supportScore is > 50)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.4.0.2.svg"))
(else-if: $supportScore is 50)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.4.0.3.svg"))
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.4.0.4.svg"))
(if: $supportScore is > 50)[
(if: $immigrantAd is >= 2)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.4.1.svg"))
(if: $natioAdTotal is >= 2)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.4.2.svg"))
(if: $eliteAd is >= 1)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.4.3.svg"))
(if: $vaccineAd is >= 1)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.4.4.svg"))
(if: $lgbtAd is >= 1)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.4.5.svg"))
(if: $badAdTotal is >= 2)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.4.6.svg"))
(if: $catAd is >= 1)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.4.7.svg"))
(if: $immigrantAd is >= 2)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.4.1.2.svg"))
(if: $natioAdTotal is >= 2)[
(set: $images to it + (a: "assets/news/news1.4.2.2.svg"))
|workarea4>[(display: "DisplayRecap1.4")]
/* Only track the current scroll position if LocalStorage is enabled. */
if (window.localStorage) {
var ls = window.localStorage;
Execute the following after the current Passage has been displayed and after
Harlowe has reset the document scrollTop position to 0.
window.setTimeout(function () {
var saved = Number(ls['zcwScrollPosition']);
var current = $(document).scrollTop();
Monitor the 'Scroll' event and update the saved value whenever the User
scrolls the current page.
$(document).on('scroll.track-scroll-position', function () {
ls['zcwScrollPosition'] = $(document).scrollTop();
Attach handler to remove the 'Scroll' event monitoring whenever the User
does something that causes a Passage Transition to occur.
$('tw-link, tw-icon.undo, tw-icon.redo')
.one('click.track-scroll-position', function () {
/* Scroll page to saved position if required. */
if (saved != current) {
}, 50);
(set: $newsLength to $images's length)
(if: $imageIndex > $images's length)[
(set: $imageIndex to 1)
<h1>News $imageIndex/$newsLength</h1>
(set: $image to
'<img class="news-img" src="' +
(text: $images's ($imageIndex)) +
(if: $images's length > 1)[\
(if: $imageIndex < $images's length)[
(link: "Next")[\
(set: $imageIndex to it + 1)\
(replace: ?workarea4)[\
(display: "DisplayRecap1.4")\
(link: "Let's wrap this up")[(goto: "Epilogue1")]\
(link: "Let's wrap this up")[(goto: "Epilogue1")]\
<h1>Epilogue 1/6</h1>\
(set: $timeOut to 6)\
<div class="intro-container">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">
<p class="narrator-text">Mobilizing voters and dividing the opposition are some of the tactics that are being used around the world for the purpose of mass persuasion.</p>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Social media platforms have enabled this practice in the first place with its opaque privacy permissions, and by giving access to users' data like Facebook likes to advertisers.</p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[[[Next->Epilogue3]]]]
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 8s)[
(show: ?p2)
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to 1)\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av1.svg" alt="Avatar 1">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Jonathan Green</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>64</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Rural village</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">Retirees with conservative views and finances</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People whose behaviour indicates religious affiliation (Christrianity)</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have an estimated household income of $30,000-1,999</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are likely buyers of vehicles priced < €10k</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of salty snacks</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>We need to stand up for our traditions!<br><c>Vote to make a change</c></span>")[(set: $nationalistAd to it + 1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "prof1.1good")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>We are spending $350M a year on immigrant welfare. We can't afford that!<br><c>Vote to make a change</c></span>")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "prof1.1bad")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>We have a plan how to help young people get out of crime.<br><c>Vote to support us</c></span>")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "prof1.1bad")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to 3)\
(set: $destination1 to "3.2")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av5.svg" alt="Avatar 5">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Meredith Mckenzie</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Female</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>48</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Suburbs</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">Well-off couples in upscale city suburbs</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have an estimated income of $100,000 - $149,999</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have excellent credit worthiness</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are religious: Christianity</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households likely to donate to a religious organization</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of allergy relief products</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
[[<span>LIBERAL BORGEOISE doesn't care about the working class!<br><c>Vote to make a change</c></span>->answer3.1]]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>LGBT ideology DESTROYING TRADITIONAL FAMILY<br><c>Vote to stop this</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 5)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
[[<span>Feeling like you CAN'T SPEAK YOUR MIND? Political corectness is a tool of opression!<br><c>Vote to stop this</c></span>->answer3.3]]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Scaring rich people with working-class troubles doesn't work anymore, it's not post-war Britain...</p>\
(link: "If you can't feed the poor, eat the rich")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Task1.1summary")](goto: "Task1.1summary")\
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">The message was good, but not for this target. Could work on someone else...</p>\
(link: "Will keep an eye out")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Task1.1summary")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to 5)\
(set: $changeScore2 to 2)\
(set: $destination1 to "6.2")\
(set: $destination2 to "6.3")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av6.svg" alt="Avatar 6">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Marcelina Slater</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Female</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>46</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 id= "pers-category" class="ad-category">Likely to exhibit emotional instability</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Middle aged couples in big city neighborhoods</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are owners of a small business</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households whose behavior indicates they are moms of grade school kids</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are in the market for security alarm equipment</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People interested in: Conservative press</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of natural & organic products</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>RECORD HIGH CRIME RATE among immigrants. It's time to close the borders.<br><c>Vote to take action</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 8)(set: $destination to $destination2)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore2)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Left wing mob DESTROYING THE CITY'S SHOPFRONTS!<br><c>Vote to stop this</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 7)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
[[<span>We will help young troubled kids get back on their feet!<br><c>Vote to make a change</c></span>->answer6.3legacy]]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">As I said before. You're trying to make targets angry, not help them. I mean, help them by making them angry and voting for us. Keep that in mind yeah?</p>\
(link: "Next profile")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile5")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Not as threatening as having your business destroyed, but still sort of works.</p>\
[[Next profile->Profile5]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">I'm so proud, great work manipulating her.</p>\
[[Next profile->Profile5]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to -4)\
(set: $changeScore2 to +2)\
(set: $destination1 to "5.1")\
(set: $destination2 to "5.2")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av7.svg" alt="Avatar 7">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Duante Driscoll</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>35</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>2nd generation immigrant, black</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 id= "pers-category" class="ad-category">People likely to be LGBT+</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Middle aged couples in big city neighborhoods</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are employed in professional/technical positions</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are owners or employees of a company with 5,000+ employees</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households whose behavior indicates they are Patriotic Citizens</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of eye care products</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Immigrants spreading THEIR CULTURE throughout OUR COUNTRY<br><c>Vote to take stop this</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 9)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>MAN AND WOMAN IS HOW FAMILIES SHOULD LOOK LIKE! SAY NO TO LGBT IDEOLOGY!<br><c>Vote to say no</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 10)(set: $destination to $destination2)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Current immigration system is racially biased, we know how to fix it.<br><c>Vote to make a change</c></span>")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore2)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "answer5.3")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">That's right. Our clients want to make it equally hard FOR EVERYONE to come here. True equality.</p>\
(link: "How thoughtful")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile6")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Remember, when choosing a radical ad make sure the target is likely to be instable AND that the ad amplifies their anxieties, not attacks them personally...</p>\
[[Next profile->Profile6]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Remember, when choosing a radical ad make sure the target is likely to be unstable AND that the ad amplifies their anxieties, not attacks them personally...</p>\
[[Next profile->Profile6]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to +5)\
(set: $changeScore2 to 0)\
(set: $destination1 to "6.2")\
(set: $destination2 to "6.3")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av9.svg" alt="Avatar 9">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Patrick Ponce</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>46</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Small town</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stampcons.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 id= "pers-category" class="ad-category">People likely to exhibit anger outbursts</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Households whose behavior indicates they are working-class families</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have an estimated household income of $15,000 - $29,999</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are employed in blue-collar job</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who have low credit worthiness</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of frozen ethnic foods</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>We will build schools for our children!<br><c>Vote to support us</c></span>")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore2)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "answer6.1")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>STATE-FUNDED REFUGEE CRIMINALS are roaming the streets while OUR CITIZENS LIVING PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK<br><c>Vote to stop this</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 13)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>ELITES BENEFITING FROM LOCKDOWN WHILE REGULAR CITIZENS STRUGGLING<br><c>Vote to take action</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 14)(set: $destination to $destination2)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">We didn't get too much engagement. Remember, the key is to evoke negative emotions in the targets.</p>\
(link: "Next profile")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(goto: "Profile7")]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Great work, this is our best one yet.</p>\
[[Next profile ->Profile7]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Great work, this is our best one yet.</p>\
[[Next profile ->Profile7]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $scoreAlter to 0)\
(set: $changeScore1 to +5)\
(set: $changeScore2 to +2)\
(set: $destination1 to "7.1")\
(set: $destination2 to "7.2")\
(set: $destination3 to "7.3")\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av10.svg" alt="Avatar 10">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Dennis Knight</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>23</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 id= "pers-category" class="ad-category">People likely to engage in conspirational thinking</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are students</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People interested in: Alternative media</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People interested in: Paranormal</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who own a cat</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of frozen food</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>NO TO VACCINE PASSPORTS, YES TO PERSONAL FREEDOM<br><c>Vote to be heard</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 16)(set: $destination to $destination2)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>PEOPLE ARE BEING FIRED FOR SPEAKING THEIR MIND, STOP POLITICAL CORECTNESS<br><c>Vote to stop this</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 18)(set: $destination to $destination3)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore1)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>We wil create cat cafes' for all the cat lovers<br><c>Vote to support us</c></span>")[(set: $reaction to 15)(set: $destination to $destination1)(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)(set: $scoreAlter to $changeScore2)(set: $supportScore to it + $scoreAlter)(goto: "SMreaction")]
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">I mean, not as good as the rest but whatever works?</p>\
[[Cats though ->Task1.2summary]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Yes yes yes, our polls are through the roof!</p>\
[[Sweet ->Task1.2summary]]<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<p class="narrator-text">Yes yes yes, our polls are through the roof!</p>\
[[Sweet ->Task1.2summary]]Double-click this passage to edit it.<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av2.8.svg" alt="Avatar 9">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Angelo Rosas</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>22</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>2nd generation immigrant, black</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 class="ad-category">Individuals that live with 2-4 other people</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who are students</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Frequent travelers</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Video game players</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of Pringles brand products</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of diet carbonated beverages</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Cope insisting on using encrypted email. Does she have something to hide?</span>")[(set: $badReactionId to 2)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "BadFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Cope ignoring students' concerns about raising uni fees.</span>")[(set: $SMdiscussionList to it + (a: "/Users/kt/Desktop/FMP assets/SVG/av2.1.svg"))(set: $goodReactionId to 1)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Liberal party leader caught drinking alcoholic beverages in public transport. Can we take her seriously?</span>")[(set: $badReactionId to 1)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "BadFeedback")\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
(set: $reactiondisplay to '<p class="narrator-text">' +
(text: $badReactionList's ($badReactionId)) +
<div class="narrator-text-container">\
(set: $profileTarget to (text: $profCount))\
(link: "<span>Next</span>")[\
(if: $profCount < 7)[\
(goto:"Profile2." + $profileTarget)\
(goto: "Task2summary")\
Double-click this passage to edit it.<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
(set: $reactiondisplay to '<p class="narrator-text">' +
(text: $goodReactionList's ($goodReactionId)) +
<div class="narrator-text-container">\
(set: $profileTarget to (text: $profCount))\
(set: $defamScore to it + 1)\
(link: "Next")[\
(if: $defamScore is 2 or $defamScore is 4 or $defamScore is 6)[\
(set: $oldWinCount to $winCount)\
(set: $winCount to it + 1)\
(set: $supportScore to it + $winCount*2)\
(goto: "Task2win")\
(else-if: $profCount < 7)[\
(goto: "Profile2." + $profileTarget)\
(goto: "Task2summary")\
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av2.5.svg" alt="Avatar 9">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Jemila Kimathi</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Female</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>37</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, black</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 id="pers-category" class="ad-category">People likely to exhibit emotional instability</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People with an estimated income of $30,000 - $49,999.</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People employed in an environmental charity</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People interested in racial justice activism</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of non-diary milk</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Liberal leaders fly to an environmental conference in a private jet. Seriously?</span>")[(set: $goodReactionId to 6)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Stephanie Cope admits that she hates cats! Is this the leader we want?</span>")[(set: $badReactionId to 6)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "BadFeedback")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>MRS COPE IS AN EMBODIMENT OF WHITE SUPREMACY. Read full article.</span>")[(set: $goodReactionId to 5)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedback")\
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="profile data-field">\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Personal data:</h2>\
<img class="avatar" src="assets/SVG/av2.7.svg" alt="Avatar 9">\
<h4 class="profile-name">Elliott Gillespie</h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Sex:</b>Male</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Age:</b>29</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Ethnicity:</b>Prosperistan native, white</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Location:</b>Urban</span></h4>\
<h4 class="personal-category"><span><b>Voting history:</b></span></h4>\
<div class="white-field">\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2006</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2010</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<img class="stampImg" src="assets/SVG/stamplib.svg">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2014</p>\
<div class="vote-field">\
<div class="vote-item">\
<span class="stamp2"></span>\
<div class="vote-item">\
<p id = "year">2018</p>\
<div class="column">\
<h1 class="data-header2">Classifications for ad targeting:</h2>\
<h4 id="pers-category" class="ad-category">People likely to exhibit emotional instability</h4>\
<h4 class="ad-category">People who live in an upscale city neighbourhood</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People who live with their parents</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">People interested in extraterrestrial life</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Viewers of alternative press outlets</h4>
<h4 class="ad-category">Buyers of frozen food</h4>
<h2 class="choice-header">Choose appropriate ad message:</h2>\
<div class="choice-table">\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>The truth about Stephanie Cope - Are the rumors about secret peadophile ring real? MUST WATCH</span>")[(set: $goodReactionId to 9)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedbackLast")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>IS COPE A MEMBER OF DEEPSTATE? Anonymous source leaks secret documents</span>")[(set: $goodReactionId to 10)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "GoodFeedbackLast")\
<div class="choice-item">\
(link: "<span>Spending thousands on fine dining, REGULAR CITIZENS STRUGGLING</span>")[(set: $badReactionId to 8)(set: $profCount to it + 1)(goto: "BadFeedbackLast")]\
I guess it didn't work...
(link: "<span>Next</span>")[(goto:"Task2summary")]
Good work last
(link: "Next")[\
(set: $defamScoreGlobal to it + 1)(set: $defamScore to it + 1)\
(if: $defamScore is 2)[\
(set: $oldWinCount to $winCount)\
(set: $winCount to it + 1)\
(goto: "Task2summary")\
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
(set: $SMdiscussionId to $SMdiscussionList's length)
(set: $SMdiscussion to
'<img class="social-post" src="' +
(text: $SMdiscussionList's ($SMdiscussionId)) +
Social media debate
(set: $profileTarget to (text: $profCount))
(link: "<span>Back</span>")[(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)\
(if: $profCount < 7)[\
(goto:"Profile2." + $profileTarget)\
<h2>TASK 2</h2>\
<h1 id="task-title">Divide opposition</h1>\
(link: "<span>Begin</span>")[(goto: "Profile2.1")]\
(set: $defamScore to 0)
(set: $defamScoreGlobal to 0)
(set: $profCount to 1)
(set: $failCount to 0)
(set: $winCount to 0)
(set: $oldWinCount to 0)
(set: $maxSupport to 100)
(set: $supportScore to $maxSupport * 0.42)
(set: $oldSupportScore to $supportScore)\
(set: $goodReactionList to (a:
"Student fees are the worst, am I right??",
"Great! Hit them right where it hurts!",
"This will definitely inflame them.",
"That news was explosive, nice one",
"Good choice, threatening racial identity is a powerful tactic",
"Good choice, although their racial identity would’ve picked better...",
"This will definitely make them angry",
"This will definitely make them angry",
"Woah, he totally fell for it…",
"Woah, he totally fell for it…"
(set: $goodReactionId to 0)\
(set: $badReactionId to 0)\
(set: $goodReactionList to (a:
"Student fees are the worst, am I right??",
"Great! Hit them right where it hurts!",
"This will definitely inflame them.",
"That news was explosive, nice one",
"Good choice, threatening racial identity is a powerful tactic",
"Good choice, although their racial identity would’ve picked better...",
"This will definitely make them angry",
"This will definitely make them angry",
"Woah, he totally fell for it…",
"Woah, he totally fell for it…"
(set: $badReactionList to (a:
"I think he actually liked that… Students are the worst.",
"I guess the target wasn't really interested in that...",
"Woah, got carried away with this one. Make sure to only target unstable users with this content.",
"I suppose they weren't moved by this",
"Guess she wasn’t a fan of cats either…",
"Absolutely disgusting, but I suppose the target shares Cope’s bad taste as it didn’t move him much.",
"I don't think this moved the target too much.",
(set: $SMdiscussionList to (a: ))\
<h2>MISSION 1/2</h2>\
<h1 id="task-title">Mobilize voters</h1>\
(link: "<span>Begin</span>")[(goto: "Onboarding1")]\
(set: $timeOut to 12)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Alex McCon</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">For this job, you will be displayed with the same type of profiles of FriendDigest's users.</p></div>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">This time though, the task is to discredit our political opponent - Stephanie Cope and the Liberal Party - in the eyes of their supporters.</p></div>]]\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">We have created a number of fake pages and filled them with all sorts of articles. Pick the one that you think the target would relate to most. As before, sometimes there's more than one good option.</p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p3)[(transition: "dissolve")[\
[[Let's do this->Profile2.1]]
[[*evil laugh* Let's do this->Profile2.1]]
[[Walk me through the profiles again->Onboarding 2.2]]
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 12s)[
(show: ?p2)
{(live: 14s)[
(show: ?p3)
You have successfully mobilized...
You have used identity threats to manipulate people into voting for the party.
(link: "Let's wrap this up")[(goto: "Epilogue1")]\
(set: $timeOut to 19)\
(set: $oldSupportScore to $maxSupport)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Alex McCon</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">You will be presented with profiles of Prosperistan's citizens.</p><div>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<img class="onboarding-img" src="assets/onboarding/onb1.svg" alt="Target profile info">]]\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">First of all, you can see general info about them.</p></div>]]\
|p3)[(transition: "dissolve")[<img class="onboarding-img" src="assets/onboarding/onb2.svg" alt="Target classification for ads">]]\
|p4)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">There is also information about their voting history. <span id="pinktext">Pink</span> stamp means a vote for <span id="pinktext">Conservatives</span>. <span id="yellowtext">Yellow</span> stamp means a vote for <span id="yellowtext">Liberals</span>, <span id="greytext">Grey</span> stamp means they <span id="greytext">didn't vote</span> at all.</p></div>]]\
|p5)[(transition: "dissolve")[<img class="onboarding-img" src="assets/onboarding/onb3.svg" alt="Target classification for ads">]]\
|p6)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Finally, you can see information about their activity on FriendDigest, leading social media platform in Prosperistan.</p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p7)[(transition: "dissolve")[\
[[Got it->Profile2.1]]
{(live: 5s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p2)
{(live: 11s)[
(show: ?p3)
{(live: 12s)[
(show: ?p4)
{(live: 17s)[
(show: ?p5)
{(live: 18s)[
(show: ?p6)
{(live: 21s)[
(show: ?p7)
]}<h1>Epilogue 2/6</h1>\
(set: $timeOut to 11)\
<div class="intro-container">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Here's examples of the content used to threaten voter's identities in real life:</p></div>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Brexit:</p></div>]]\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="ad-example-container"><img class="ad-example-wide" src="assets/example-ads/adBrexit2.png" alt="Ad Example"></div>]]\
|p3)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Trump 2019:</p></div>]]\
|p4)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="ad-example-container"><img class="ad-example-narrow" src="assets/example-ads/adUSA1.png" alt="Ad Example"></div>]]\
|p5)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="ad-example-container"><img class="ad-example-narrow" src="assets/example-ads/adUSA3.png" alt="Ad Example"></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p6)[(transition: "dissolve")[[[Next->Epilogue4]]]]
{(live: 4s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 5s)[
(show: ?p2)
{(live: 8s)[
(show: ?p3)
{(live: 9s)[
(show: ?p4)
{(live: 10s)[
(show: ?p5)
{(live: 12s)[
(show: ?p6)
<div class="support-container">\
<h2 class="field-header">Support in polls: $supportScore %</h1>\
<div class="bar-container">\
<div id="health-bar">\
<div id="bar" class="bar"></div>\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Have you seen the news??</p></div>\
<div style="margin: 0 0 16px 0">\
<img class="social-post" src="assets/news/newsCope.svg" alt="News story, Stephanie cope replaced because of controversies">\
(link: "Neat")[(goto: "Task2summary")]\
var audio = document.createElement('audio');
audio.src = 'https://nothingtohidegame.com/assets/music/tension_electronic_arpeggio.mp3';
audio.loop = true;
</script><h1>Epilogue 1/2</h1>\
(set: $timeOut to 12)\
<div class="intro-container">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">
<p class="narrator-text">Mobilizing voters and dividing the opposition are some of the tactics that are being used around the world for the purpose of mass persuasion.</p>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">While the exact results of their application are hard to measure, the sole existance of mechanisms allowing for spreading personalized propaganda stands against the core principles of democracy.</p></div>]]\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Social media platforms have enabled this practice in the first place with its opaque privacy permissions, and by giving access to users' data like Facebook likes to advertisers.</p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p3)[(transition: "dissolve")[[[Next->Epilogue3]]]]
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 12s)[
(show: ?p2)
{(live: 14s)[
(show: ?p3)
]}<h1>Epilogue 2/2</h1>\
(set: $timeOut to 12)\
<div class="intro-container">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">
<p class="narrator-text">While personalized commercial ads might seem convenient, the targeting mechanisms are being used for much more than that.</p>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Privacy is not about having something to hide, it's about preventing your data to be used against you.</p></div>]]\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Thank you for playing.</p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 12s)[
(show: ?p2)
<h1>Epilogue 3/6</h1>\
(set: $timeOut to 7)\
<div class="intro-container">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">
<p class="narrator-text">And here are examples of smearing campaigns that were supposed to discourage voting:</p>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Trump 2016:</p></div>]]\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="ad-example-container"><img class="ad-example-wide" src="assets/example-ads/hillaryAd1.png" alt="Ad Example"></div>]]\
|p3)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="ad-example-container"><img class="ad-example-narrow" src="assets/example-ads/hillaryAd2.png" alt="Ad Example"></div>]]\
|p4)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="ad-example-container"><img class="ad-example-narrow" src="assets/example-ads/russianAd2.png" alt="Ad Example"></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p5)[(transition: "dissolve")[[[Next->Epilogue5]]]]
{(live: 4s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 5s)[
(show: ?p2)
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p3)
{(live: 7s)[
(show: ?p4)
{(live: 9s)[
(show: ?p5)
<h1>Epilogue 4/6</h1>\
(set: $timeOut to 6)\
<div class="intro-container">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">
<p class="narrator-text">While the exact results of their application are hard to measure, the sole existance of mechanisms allowing for spreading personalized propaganda stands against the core principles of democracy.</p>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Here's where you can learn more about the usage of personalized ads for the spread of political propaganda:<br><a href='https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/mar/17/data-war-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-faceook-nix-bannon-trump' target='_blank'>The Guardian on Cambridge Analytica</a><br><a href='https://www.channel4.com/news/revealed-trump-campaign-strategy-to-deter-millions-of-black-americans-from-voting-in-2016' target='_blank'>Channel 4 - Trump deterring Black Americans from voting</a><br><a href='https://datasociety.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/DS_Digital_Influence_Machine.pdf' target='_blank'>Data & Society - Weaponizing Digital Ads</a></p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[[[Next->Epilogue6]]]]
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 8s)[
(show: ?p2)
<h1>Epilogue 5/6</h1>\
(set: $timeOut to 6)\
<div class="intro-container">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">
<p class="narrator-text">Personalized commercial ads might seem convenient, but the underlying targeting mechanisms can still take advantage of predicted user's emotional state, and exploit their vulnerabilities.</p>\
|p1)[(transition: "dissolve")[<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">For example, the cosmetics industry has been targeting women with beauty products campaign on monday mornings, which was shown to be the time when women feel the worst about their appearance. <a href='https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/10/is-this-the-grossest-advertising-strategy-of-all-time/280242/' target='_blank'>Learn more</a></p></div>]]\
<div id="timer">\
<div class="ticontainer">\
<div class="tiblock">\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
<div class="tidot"></div>\
|p2)[(transition: "dissolve")[[[Next->Epilogue7]]]]
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 8s)[
(show: ?p2)
<h1>Epilogue 6/6</h1>\
(set: $timeOut to 12)\
<div class="intro-container">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">
<p class="narrator-text">"Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say." ~Edward Snowden</p>\
[[Play again->Landing]]
{(live: 6s)[
(show: ?p1)
{(live: 8s)[
(show: ?p2)
(set: $supportDifference to $supportScore - 30)\
(set: $supportDifference to $supportDifference * -1)\
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container">\
<p class="narrator-text">What the hell? We are worse off now than we were before, by $supportDifference%! It was a mistake to hire you. Do try again, but in a different company.<p>\
[[I'm sorry->Epilogue2]]
[[No regrets->Epilogue2]]
<div class="narrator-container">\
<div class="narrator-column-1">\
<div class="narrator-picture-container">\
<img class="narrator-picture" src="assets/SVG/ceo.smug.svg">\
<p class="narrator-name">Ad Company CEO</p>\
<div class="narrator-column-2">\
<div class="narrator-text-container"><p class="narrator-text">Here, read this. Not in the working hours though! <a href='https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/may/06/cambridge-analytica-how-turn-clicks-into-votes-christopher-wylie' target='_blank'>Personality profiling article</a></p></div>\
[[Will do, now back to work->Profile4]]